Member-only story
01/10/2021 Status: OK, I Believe
But Unfortunately, My Country’s Grievously Ill
The Duopoly’s push-me-pull-you leadership has brought us to a day when too many Americans can’t even agree that objective truth exists. I believe that flat earthers and those who think Earth’s more like a ball are both entitled to their opinions. What I refuse to believe is that they can both be right.
If two people spent weeks in an underground bunker with no windows, one might think it’s daytime while the other is convinced it’s night. What we would hope is that once they emerge from the bunker and open their eyes, both would be persuaded by the evidence, and their beliefs about day and night would coincide.
We have a whole new crop of flat earthers and perpetual nighters to deal with in America. They’re the people who insist violent rebellion is patriotism, and a democratic republic is best enabled by a destructive fascist mob.
When tribal supremacy and hate are someone’s core values, their confirmation bias makes for a dangerous brew of beliefs. Some may be redeemable, but some may need to be removed from the civil society they innately despise.