Member-only story
12/30/2020 Status: Good News to Share
2020, We Will Not Mourn Your Passing
2020 is almost over. It’s been a disaster film on many fronts, so its passing alone is cause to celebrate. Of course, the wise will be welcoming in 2021 from the comfort and safety of their own homes. #COVID19 is running rampant thanks to foolhardy holiday travelers and the politicization of the pandemic. But I promised good news, so let’s bid this loathsome year a not-so-fond farewell.
Happy Event One
This morning’s email brought an invitation to join the publication, DataDrivenInvestor here on Medium. They also have a stand-alone site,, which I have also applied to join. The Medium magazine has an extensive subscriber list and a fantastic group of editors, so I am tremendously grateful I am now a contributing writer. I will be covering technology, politics, and self-improvement as it relates to today’s culture. Despite the journal’s name, I won’t be delving into bitcoin mining or Forex-picking algorithms’ inner workings. However, I might expound on my growing skill at shutting down overly pushy salespeople for both.
Happy Event Two
You may remember my telling you in late September that I had two badly damaged front teeth pulled and abutments placed for single-tooth replacements. Ever since I’ve been singing, All I Want for Kwithmath Is My Two Fwont Teef. Well, the new crowns were not back from the lab by Christmas, but they are in now. Tomorrow I get them installed. I’m taking bets on how long before I relearn open-mouthed smiling.
Hopefully, that day will dawn before 2021 joins 2020 on the ash pile of history.